Saturday, August 14, 2010


The directional difference between growth and development is getting finer day by day. The word development has become the government’s word to decorate their policy. Mass is concentrating on the growth for themselves it means that they are looking for quantity in this fast moving world. The quality is losing the ground for the people in spite of that the system wants to provide the quality. The social attributes of the man differentiates them from the animal, but in some context animals looks more civilized than man .where we lost thecourse this is the million dollar question? This outburst in the society is blamed to the professionalization of the system is good but at what extent? Who will decide it? Why this spatiotemporal variation that commonly seen in the attitude of the people. The difference between saying and doing is widening. so the words like tradition, ethics, moral, cooperation, care, respect, self-esteem exists in our day to day life and what does in means for? These are not the tricky questions but very simple and important one for our existence and identity. The 21st century is struggling to hold this value .The blind race of development and growth is the essence of the 21stcentury however this race has given the better life and services to the people but it came with the heavy cost of nucleation, negativeacculturation, ethicaldilema,pollution and a complete paradigm shift to the attitude of the people. I don’t care is the conceptual slogan followed by the people now a days.

The most important component of the population is the youth. The youth are the trend setter for the civilization they are in dominant proportion in the population they are the main working force and great contributor for the socioeconomic equation. The youth plays very important role in the family because they are the most important link between two generation one is younger and another is older. So the youth is demographically enjoykey position in the society .That’s why the move of youth dictates the terms in the society.

When we take the Indian perspective India is the place of great traditions of cultural heritage which is deep rooted in Veda a,Upanishad, Gurugranth sahib, Sufism, budhism, Jainism and various other religious text.Coexistance of different cultural regime under one umbrella, unity in diversity is the main component of Indian society. The historical perspective as far as youth icon is concerned starting from Prahlad,Krishna,arjuna,yudhisthira from Mahabharata time and then the great Samudragupta The grate warior,Ashoka the great and Akbar the great Mahatma Buddha,Mahavir and in last century Bhagat SinghChandrasekhar Ajad swami Vivekananda Raja ram Mohan Roy were well pronounced. The inspiration of youth is certainly the above personality but the main concern is that only the posters of icons are found in the walls but the philosophy and thoughts are losing the steam in the blind game of development. Western culture is laminating the Indian youth this is the cost of development country is paying.

More than 200years of British rule has tried their best to ruined the cultural heritage of the country however the bits and paces if Indian culture is still strong enough to give the lesion to our youth and the world as well. India is emerging as the knowledge power India has largest population of skillful people more than 36%are youth .our youth somewhat influenced by the westernization but still they are Indian from their sole and the sole effect has enough potential to tune their thought, to enlighten them.

Pankaj Kumar

(Amida International)

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